Click on the title links to download the data.
Contains the following files:
World Bank data on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita for nations and groups of nations, from 1990 to 2016, in current international dollars, corrected for purchasing power in different territories.
Data on federal government grants to UC Berkeley and Stanford University in 2014, downloaded from
Contains the following variables:
From 1969 to 2016.food_stamps
Average number of people participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, in millions, from the US Department of Agriculture.poverty
Estimated number of people in poverty, in millions, from the US Census Bureau.nations_2016.csv
Data from the World Bank Indicators portal. Contains the following fields:
Two- and three-letter codes for each country, assigned by the International Organization for
Country name.year
2016 for this data.gdp_percap
Gross Domestic Product per capita in current international dollars, corrected for purchasing power in different territories.life_expect
Life expectancy at birth, in years.population
Estimated total population at mid-year, including all residents apart from refugees.region
World Bank regions and income groups, explained here.test.html
A web page for embedding online charts. It has been set up using the Bootstrap responsive web design framework so that any content will automatically adjust to the size of the browser window in which it is viewed, centered on the page.
Data from the World Bank Indicators portal. Contains the following fields:
Two- and Three-letter codes for each country, assigned by the International Organization for
Country name.year
Estimated total population at mid-year, including all residents apart from refugees.gdp_percap
Gross Domestic Product per capita in current international dollars, corrected for purchasing power in different territories.life_expect
Life expectancy at birth, in years.population
Estimated total population at mid-year, including all residents apart from refugees.birth_rate
Live births during the year per 1,000 people, based on mid-year population estimate.neonat_mortal_rate
Neonatal mortality rate: babies dying before reaching 28 days of age, per 1,000 live births in a given year.region
World Bank regions and income groups, explained here.nations2.csv
Again from the World Bank Indicators portal. Contains the following fields:
As above.co2_percap
Carbon dioxide emissions per capita metric tonnes.kindergarten.csv
Data from the California Department of Public Health, documenting enrollment and the number of children with complete immunizations at entry into kindergartens in California from 2001 to 2014. Contains the following variables:
School district.sch_code
Unique identifying code for each school.pub_priv
Whether school is public or
School name.enrollment
Number of children enrolled.complete
Number of children with complete immunizations.start_year
Year of entry (for the 2014-2015 school year, for example, this would be 2014).kindergarten_2015.csv
As above, but data from 2015 only.
Data illustrating a controversial theory suggesting that the emergence of democratic political systems has depended largely on nations having low rates of infectious disease, from the Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Network and Democratization: A Comparative Analysis of 170 Countries, as used in week 1.food_stamps.csv
U.S. Department of Agriculture data on the number of participants
, in millions, and costs
, in $ billions, of the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program from 1969 to 2016.kindergarten.csv
Data from the California Department of Public Health, documenting enrollment and the number of children with complete immunizations at entry into kindergartens in California from 2001 to 2015. Contains the following variables:district
School district.sch_code
Unique identifying code for each school.pub_priv
Whether school is public or
School name.enrollment
Number of children enrolled.complete
Number of children with complete immunizations.start_year
Year of entry (for the 2015-2016 school year, for example, this would be 2015).nations.csv
Data from World Bank World Development Indicators portal, giving data on population, GDP per capita, life expectancy, birth rate, neonatal mortality rate, region and income group for the world’s nations, from 1990 onwards, as used in the previous class.food_stamps.csv
U.S. Department of Agriculture data on the number of participants
, in millions, and costs
, in $ billions, of the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program from 1969 to 2016.
Data illustrating a controversial theory suggesting that the emergence of democratic political systems has depended largely on nations having low rates of infectious disease, as used previously.
Data from the California Department of Public Health, documenting enrollment and the number of children with complete immunizations at entry into kindergartens in California from 2001 to 2015, as used previously.
Data from the World Bank Indicators portal, as used
Zipped shapefile with data on the annual risk of a damaging earthquake for the continental United States, from the US Geological Survey.
Web page to embed the interactive charts and maps we make today.
Data from the World Bank Indicators portal, as used in week 3 and subsequently.warming.csv
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration data on the annual average global temperature, from 1880 to 2017.year
Average global temperature, compared to average from 1900-2000.simulations.csv
Data from NASA simulations of historical temperatures, estimating the effect of natural and human influences on climate, processed from the raw data used for this piece from Bloomberg News. Contains the following variables:year
Natural or Humanvalue
Global average temperature from the simulation, relative to average simulated value from 1990-2000.