Software and other tools


Some of the tools we will use are add-ons to Firefox. Ensure that you have the latest versions. Download Firefox, or update to the latest version following these instructions.

Table2Clipboard and DownThemAll!

Two handy Firefox add-ons, which will help you extract data from the web. Install them in Firefox here and here.

LibreOffice Calc

Open-source spreadsheet application, part of wider office productivity suite. Download LibreOffice.

Outwit Hub

A tool for scraping data from the web, without the need to write code. Download for free from here.

Open Refine

A powerful tool for data cleaning, once owned by Google, now open source. Download the latest version from here. When launched, Open Refine will work in your default web browser; note that your data remains on your computer, and is not uploaded to the web. If you have issues installing Open Refine on a Mac, you may need to reset your security settings to allow the installation of third-party applications, see here. If Open Refine does not open in your default browser when launched, copy this address into the browser:

SQLite Manager

We will manage SQLite databases using this Firefox add-on. Install in Firefox from here. There is no need to separately install SQLite.


Your go-to resource for color schemes to encode data. Web app: no installation required.

Tableau Public

Visualization software designed for exploratory graphic analysis, which also allows you to create interactive online graphics without JavaScript coding. Download here. You will also need to sign up for a free Tableau Public account.

The Public version of the software requires you to save your visualizations to the open web. However, members of Investigative Reporters and Editors can obtain a license for the Professional version, which allows you to save workbooks on your machine. In any case, I strongly recommend that students join IRE as a student member: it is a leader for training in data journalism.


Browser extension for Firefox or Chrome for encrypted Webmail. Installation instructions here.