
Click on the title links to download the data for each session. Unzip the folders and place them on your desktop.

Most of these files are in CSV format, which stands for comma-separated values. These are plain text files, in which fields in the data are separated by commas, and each record is on a separate row. CSV is a common format for storing and exchanging data, and can be read by most data analysis and visualization software. Values that are intended to be treated as text, rather than numbers, are often enclosed in quote marks.

The characters used to separate the variables, called ‘delimiters,’ may vary. A .tsv extension, for instance, indicates that the variables are separated by tabs. More generally, text files have the extention .txt.

The file is a shapefile, which is a common format used for geographical data.

Shapefiles are usually made available for download as zipped folders, and actually consist of a series of files. At a minimum, a shapefile must contain three component files, with the same root name and the following extensions:

Download: Getting started

Zipped folder containing the following files:

Download: Tableau Public

Zipped folder containing the following:

Download: Carto

Zipped folder containing the following files:

The folders for each session also each contain a template web page, test.html, for embedding visualizations that will make.